The Ombeni Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to giving back to Africa and its people. Booking your safari experience with us directly impacts families in need by providing resources, supplies and clean water. Read on to learn more.

We’re dedicated to giving back to Africa, and provide resources and assistance to Sorongoro Primary School serving over 700 children every day. This project provides meals, school supplies and sporting equipment. Funds also help replace poisonous drinking wells with safe drinking water. Thank you to everyone who has helped make a difference in these kids’ lives. School attendance is at an all-time high, and the children are healthier and happier to our delight!

After connecting electricity to the school, we’re ready to help the amazing teachers and staff of Arusha City. They continue to do an amazing job, and we’re excited to do more to help them by providing tools and resources for the students to receive the education they deserve.

As a registered non-profit (501c, AfricaSong, NGOs), our funds go directly to the school in Africa. No funds or donations are spent on operational costs here in the United States, and our volunteers are just that: non-paid volunteers who are passionate about helping the people of Africa. We believe trust and transparency should be a key value for any charity, and set our standards nothing short of 100%.

With each African safari purchase, 5% of profits will be donated to the Ombeni Foundation. Our travelers are welcome to choose which project they would like to support, or we can decide for you based on what project needs the most assistance. If you decide to participate in a safari extension to Songoro School, you can give the donation to the children in person. This could mean arriving at the school with a trunk full of sports equipment, or funding for the student meal program. The choice is yours, and you have our full support!

Our founder, Ombeni, grew up in the same area as the Sorongoro Primary School, located in the village of Mt. Meru, Tanzania, Africa. He now resides in Wisconsin, USA and has taken the school under his wing while running Ombeni Safaris. He gives back to his community in the form of providing employment to local lodges as well starting The Ombeni Foundation.

mbeni Safaris is proud to say we offer 100% responsible and ethical wildlife viewing experiences. While wildlife viewing is included in most our tours and safaris, we believe wildlife must only be viewed in their natural environment, having the highest level of respect towards the animals. As a responsible tour and safari operator, we refuse to support any institutions that exploit wildlife for entertainment purposes and we advise our clients to do the same. Although experiences like cub petting, walking with lions and elephant rides are advertised as fun and educational, it causes stress to the animals and should be avoided at all cost. These activities directly contribute to the exploitative predator breeding and canned hunting industry. Currently, South Africa has approximately 8,000 lions and other predators living in poor conditions in cages or confined areas for human entertainment or canned hunting. If we don’t act now, the number can double faster than you know it.

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“Your Experience Matters the Most.”